Places of Meditation

Shannon’s Gazebo – Created in memory of a summer staff member back in 2000, the gazebo has come to be a place of reflection near Hafer Hall. Nestled between flowers and shrubs, the gazebo offers a place for solitude on a warm summer’s day.

Vesper Dell – Created for evening meditation during summer camp, Vesper Dell has been known to have intimate weddings and silent meditation. Set back in the woods against the backside of Lake Andrew, one only needs to follow the path passed the labyrinth to find seclusion

Labyrinth – In a small clearing toward the back of Boyd Hall sits a five-circuit Chelsea labyrinth that is constructed with colored concrete pavers. Benches for meditation and prayer sit around the labyrinth for reflection.

Lakefront – The sound of water is soothing and our new benches at the lakefront offer time for serenity and inspiration listening to the wind rustle the trees and the flowing of the water.

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