Keeping In Touch

Campers appreciate lots of letters and postcards.  Write often but don’t dwell on home problems, favorite pets, or how much everybody misses them.  When you write, be cheerful and newsy.  All properly addressed mail and email are sorted each day to ensure same-day delivery.  Your camper will be encouraged to write home frequently, but don’t expect too many letters – “no news is good news” – your camper may be too busy to write.

Mailed Correspondence: Please allow a few days for a letter to travel in either direction. Improperly addressed and/or unstamped envelopes delay mail. We suggest you pre-stamp and address several envelopes or postcards for relatives and friends so that your camper is able to write home easier.

Packages: UPS, FedEx, and the US Postal Service all deliver packages to our address. As well-intentioned as it may seem to send a box of cookies for your child’s cabin group, we can’t allow the campers to share them in the event that a camper may be allergic to an ingredient. All food items will be locked in a container so as to keep out bugs and animals.

Phone Calls and Cell Phones: Campers are not allowed to make or receive phone calls or to have cell phones at Camp. To check on your child’s progress, you may call the camp at (910) 276-1654. The Camp Office is open from 9am – 1pm each day however there may not be anyone available to answer the phone.  We are all out ensuring your camper is having a safe and fun time, so we will respond within 24 hours unless in an emergency.  If your child has a problem, illness, or urgent message for you, the camp staff will call you.

Visiting Camp: Please do not visit campers during the camp session. We believe your camper will have a better total camp experience if left with peers and staff for the entire period. Additionally, seeing another adult could unintentionally adversely affect other campers.


To send letters or packages via the U.S. Postal Service. Send to:
Camper’s Name
c/o Monroe Camp & Retreat Center
24501 Camp Rd.
Laurel Hill, NC  28351

Because of the rural area in which Camp Monroe is located, we strongly urge you to send a letter Wednesday – Sunday the week before to ensure the camper receives the mail.

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